Notice of Disclaimer

This index to Rochester, New York Churches is not primary source material and is not intended to replace original documents. We encourage researchers to always consult primary resources when available. Our Index was designed to be user friendly and has been edited to correct known mispellings, therefore, some spellings may differ from the original. Latin has been sometimes converted to English usage. Present spellings of surnames, where known, have been adopted, although the original spelling will be retained as well. Additional data not found in the original may have been added from sources like the City of Rochester Historic Marriage Index.

As errors are inevitable in any index we built in a way to comment on the data. Researchers' comments will result in corrections as well. We have added the Soundex utility and wildcards to help your search. The initial work on this project concentrates on marriage records, but we hope further information will be available in the future. The website is in its early construction and may not be operational at all times. Privacy laws of New York State are observed. This index is under copyright protection. Commercial use of the data is strictly prohibited.